About our store

We are glad to welcome you in our cozy store On-Line trade From Ukraine

    Our company has been successfully selling handicrafts and small businesses for six years. We attract the most famous and creative masters of Ukraine.

  Among the products presented in our catalog are - sewing; knitting; embroidery; crafts from wood, fabric, paper and ceramics. Also to your attention are presented metal products, wicker furniture and home furnishings.

    Here you can buy souvenirs and lovely gifts for your family and friends, or chic furniture sets for your home, or a balcony, terrace and garden. Surprise, delight, endear a person to yourself by offering something really original - that's what it means to present a handmade item. And what kind of thing is a matter of your choice, your taste. In our store you can find many interesting solutions for your wishes.

      The advantages of handmade gifts: they are made from natural materials; they are always unique, one is not like the other; each - reflects something of its own extraordinary, deep and incredible; it's fashionable.

     Original and unusual gifts created by the hands of craftsmen are waiting for you. Hurry up to choose exactly what is right for you, that will express your feelings and thoughts. Anyone will gladly accept such a gift: your friend, loved one, and work colleague.

    All products presented in our store are made from environmentally friendly materials.

    As part of helping public organizations of people with disabilities, we place products made by people with disabilities in our store.